No Leg Lenny

Lenny has only one dream, he wants to go on the moon. Problem is, Lenny has no leg... But this will not prevent him from becoming a living legend. And to do so, Lenny needs the help of two things : a rifle, and a skillful player to guide him.
AIM with any stick or mouse.
SHOOT with A/X/RB/RT or left click.
I recommend using a controller.
A game made by ROBIN SIX for Juice Jam.
"8 Bit Epic GameBoy!" - by HEATLEY BROS.
"8 Bit Evil!" - by HEATLEY BROS.
Development log
- No Leg Lenny v1.1 ChangelogJan 16, 2022
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Dang this is pretty hard on a trackpad
if in the transition screen, you move around, you're able to be glitched to be underneath the lava. Not gamebreaking, but very odd :)
Oh, guess I didn't test my game enough haha!
I probably won't fix it (as I've not been working on the game for a loooong time), but thank you for reporting the issue.
am i supose to die 27 times on the first box blockage?
Started a new youtube feedback channel and the first episode is on this game:
Thank you guys!
loved it!
That moment when you have a really good idea for a game mechanic, but somebody already did it way better than you ever could but if you made the game people would think you were stealing
lol can't relate
Hey, feel free to go on if you want to build your own prototype with this mechanic :) not like I am the first one doing it and if it's for fun or practice, that's perfectly fine !
lol thanks
So nice
this is probably one of the most polished, professional web game I have ever played on itch.io. I'm so surprised it doesn't have a price on it, really cool game! btw I love the little animation where he slams into the moon at the end XD
Super fun game for speed running, found myself spending a bit more time than I would like to admit trying to get my fastest time. So far, the best I have is a 3:25.
Thanks for making my morning time so awesome!
Super challenging and fun!
cool! i beated it in under 8 minutes! congrats!
el juego esta bueno, me gusto
If you are interested in selling your unity source code, please contact me on cranaxax@gmail.com
I liked the use of different sounds when the gun fires. Also, great tone shift with the music when the player reaches space. Do wish there was volume control (a tad loud for me), but this was made in a jam and I can see why you wouldn't have time to implement it. Great game!
Actually there is an option to adjust the volume in the game settings :)
Glad you liked it ! :D
In the beginning, the shooting feature seemed to be a little strange, but after playing it for a while I think it's a very cool game.
so good ;)
Short and fun.
Really addictive game! Have you thought of adding an endless mode?
Hi, thanks!
I thought of it during the game development, but I'm not working on it anymore :)
i really like the game, so i wanted to try playing with a controller (ps4 controller) like you recommended, but the game doesnt sence the input. Do i have to download something to make it work with controller?
Hi there, I personally use a Xbox controller and I sadly have no PS4 controller to try it out. I can't be sure what's going on and cannot do something about it right now :/
You can still play with the mouse even though it's indeed better with a controller. Sorry about the inconvenience !
i figured out a way to make it work! In Steam, going to the top left of the screen Games/ Add a non-Steam game to my library/ Browse/ Selecting No Leg Lenny, and then using Steam's Default PS4 Configuration!
there are some programs that emulate xbox controllers but take ps3/ps4 controller inputs. i have SCP Toolkit, it works quite well, but my ps3 controller brokey (the r2 and l2 triggers are broken)
6:33 was my first run with 7 deaths REALLY GOOD GAM
Ayo there's a speedrun.com page for this game now https://www.speedrun.com/no_leg_lenny everyone go go go
Oh boy, time to record my best run :p
nice game! finished in 6m :)
Good work! Super game!
touchscreen op
a very fun game and i really enjoyed speedruning it
my record: 4:36
mines 3:29
El Mejor Juego Indie de la vida :D!
Very easy to play and absolutely hilarious concept! Love this!
best game
Fun and original. Not easy to start, but that keeps it interesting.
Great game!! its so fun!
Great game!
very fun game nice pixel graphic overall its fun game to play if you in free time
This was such a fun game. Had a great time taking Lenny to the moon!
very fun :D
Imagine what Johnny Eck could have done with a rifle like this
Very nice game. I enjoyed it. ^^ Although I think there should be some kind of reward for collecting every coin but still, Good game!
I want to say that I loved this game;
It has a somewhat difficult level of difficulty,
From the little I've played, I already know I'm going to like it a lot.
this game is beautiful and has pixelated graphics.
thanks for reading :3