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Liked the idea



it does not matter if you're a printer capable of mass destruction or not, nobody gets between a man and his dog photo


i need more george games


great game! pretty short,no unneccessary stuff,just pure fun. 

heres a video of the whole thing if you want to see that

(1 edit) (+1)

Do more games with George, please!


do yourself a favour and PLAY! it really reminded me of stanley parable in a 2d dimension XD

I played it amongst a collection of other games over on youtube and loved it!

Hi Robin, I hope you're doing well! 

I work on a product to make therapy for children and youth more engaging by integrating games and other fun activities. Would you have some time to chat about a partnership/integration?

(1 edit)

Hi there :)
You can send me an email at I obviously cannot promise anything right away, but I'm curious for more details!
EDIT: woops, just noticed you've sent an email already! I'll answer it as soon as possible!

Hi Robin, already sent you an email :) Happy to chat with you whenever you have some time!

Haha well you answered at the exact same time I saw the email and edited my previous answer 🤣


this was a great game


funniest shit i have ever seen


so fun and cool


Destroyed half the fucking office in the process of stopping it, but it broke my dog picture. So worth it. Great game u got here.


This game is so good!


Loved this game so much!!! Me and my girlfriend had a blast playing it!


made me laugh


i wait the printing time and NOTHING HAPPENED


good game its funny


how did he throw an entire office chair with ONLY 1 HAND


George goes to the gym each day.


I don't know what I just played.....but I loved it


i love the artstyle and the ending was hilarious 10/10


This game is great! I love short little experiences like this!


Accurately describes what it’s like to try and fix a printer


this game is gorgeous


a lovely short and funny game !! i have my printer right next to me in my room right now, hope nothing happens !! O_O




funny yet coo coo


I really liked it! Very funny 


damn this printer built difrent lol


best puzzle game




Played this game a while ago but never posted it here. If you liked this video you should go check out some of my newer content because it is a thousand times better

I laughed so hard while playing this. Amazing.


ten out of ten


This was simply extraordinary, haha! Bravo!!


I immediately recommended this game to my friends. All my life, the office has been afraid of messing with the printer and for the first time I understand the rollercoaster of false victories and despair at destroying office equipment to no avail.


wonderful. enjoyed throwing stuff at the printer. great game.


banger of a game


This game was really cute! Absolutely loved it!


So freaking silly and funny. I should have played around with the phone more, maybe I'll give it another go... :0 What a cute game, I'd love more like this please!!!

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